$125 for 1 Week of Specialty Swimming Day Camp at Kendal Aquatics (a $250 Value)| WagJag Skip to main content
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What You Get


Aside from Willy Wonka's chocolate river, a pool is probably the body of water, er- liquid, that your kids want to spend most of their time in this summer. Ensure for a sweet summer break with today's WagJag: $125 for one week of specialty swimming day camp at Kendal Aquatics (a $250 value).

Catering to the fish-like tendencies of kids ages five to 12, Kendal Aquatics' summer day camps promise both an intense swimming experience and hours of fun, both in the water and on dry land. Campers spend up to three hours a day in the pool, perfecting their stroke, working on speed and endurance, playing swimming games and trying out water-sports like polo and synchronized swimming. To balance out the day, water-lovers get their fill of non-buoyant activities, like arts and crafts and outdoor sports. Each weekly session includes a kosher, nut-free pizza lunch to satiate the swimmer's ample appetite, two videos of the camper in aquatic action for parents' review and daily progress updates from counsellors.

Camp runs each weekday from 9am to 4pm, with sessions beginning July 2 and ending August 30. Campers are required to bring their own nut-free lunches and snacks.

What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know

  • Expires August 30, 2013
  • Limit 2 vouchers per child
  • Valid for new students or those who have not been in classes/camp for 1 year
  • Space per camp week subject to availability
  • Drop-off and pick-up program for an additional $35/week
  • Not valid with other offers
  • No makeup days offered for short camp weeks due to holidays
  • Does not include tax. No cash value. No cash back

Refund Policy

Kendal Aquatics
Kendal Aquatics 130 Racco Pkwy.
Thornhill, Ontario, L4J8X9, Phone: (905) 707-SWIM
See Location

$125 for 1 Week of Specialty Swimming Day Camp at Kendal Aquatics (a $250 Value)

Kendal Aquatics

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