$15 for an Ion Herbal Foot Bath from Nutritional Body Care (a $35 Value)| WagJag Skip to main content
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Sometimes you just want to whip off your shoes and cradle your aching feet in your lap, gently massaging your soles and crooning comforting melodies like "Heel the world." But you may find, when you look back up, that all friends within a two-mile radius are now keeled over at their desks - and it's not because your soft voice lulled them to sleep. Today's WagJag gives your feet and body the detox they need in a more appropriate environment: $15 for an ion herbal foot bath from Nutritional Body Care (a $35 value).

This experience is like walking on a beach but without the beach part (sorry). Your feet soak in an herbal bath that delivers the same benefits as walking in the sand, but the treatment brings the healing saltwater to you. Because our bodies are 70% comprised of water, they interact really well with the magnetic fields and beneficial ions in the herbal foot bath. A 30-minute soak brings your body's vibrational frequency to a healthy state where it can properly flush toxic waste and heavy metals out of your system via your feet. The result is a relaxing, de-stressing experience.

Registered nutritionist Audrey Vanderstoop with Nuritional Body Care is dedicated to satisfying customers and delivering high quality service. This is a place where you can procure the tools you need to build a healthy lifestyle and achieve your weight loss goals, while also delving into nutrition and meal planning for the whole family.

What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know

  • Expires December 31, 2012
  • To redeem, please call to book your appointment. Then present your voucher at the time of visit
  • Limit 1 voucher per person per visit
  • Does not include tax. Voucher has no cash value. No cash back

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Beverly Hills Weight Management Centre (Burlington)
Beverly Hills Weight Management Centre (Burlington) 2138 Mountain Grove Ave.
Burlington, Ontario, L7P2H7, Phone: (905) 331-4383
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$15 for an Ion Herbal Foot Bath from Nutritional Body Care (a $35 Value)

Beverly Hills Weight Management Centre (Burlington)

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