$69 for a Jager iOsonic Toothbrush System from Bling Dental (a $229 Value) - Includes Shipping| WagJag Skip to main content
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A smile, much like a reputation, can be too easily stained after downing an entire bottle of red wine at every office party. Restore tarnished teeth with today's WagJag: $69 for a Jager iOsonic toothbrush kit from Bling Dental, normally a $229 value.

Dr. Raymond Frye, DMD is renowned for making many high-profile mouths gleam, and is also responsible for developing the Jager iOsonic system; the electric toothbrush uses several modes of leading-edge technology to get teeth squeaky clean. The brush emits an abundant 40,000 pulses a minute to invade plaque parties hidden below the gum line, and uses an ionic reversal process to polarize teeth, helping them push bad elements away from your smile and towards the bristles. Adjust to one of three modes (whitening, gentle and massage) depending on your comfort level, and the Jager does the rest of the work, operating on a two-minute auto-timer to ensure a thorough scrub session. Clean freaks will love the included UV sanitizer, which is capable of killing virtually all bacteria on the brush head in minutes.

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  • Pink

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  • Expires March 26, 2013
  • Limit 5 vouchers per person, may buy more for others
  • Not valid with other offers
  • Does not include tax (payable upon delivery). No cash value. No cash back

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Bling Dental Products

$69 for a Jager iOsonic Toothbrush System from Bling Dental (a $229 Value) - Includes Shipping

Bling Dental Products

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