What You Get
What You Get
Treat yourself to a relaxing Turkish Bath Hammam experience from Paradise Wellness.
Today's WagJag: Relax and unwind with this offer of 43% off a Turkish Bath Hammam Experience from Paradise Wellness.
- $49.02 for a Turkish Bath Hammam Experience (an $86 Value)
Paradise Wellness Day Spa Resort is dedicated to peace, health, and mental wellbeing of our clients. We provide them a sanctuary from the stress that degrades the quality of life. Paradise Wellness is a welcoming and open place for people from all around the world who would like to spend a relaxing,
Experience the ultimate relaxation and stress relief with a rejuvenating Turkish bath. Banish tension and refresh your body and mind!
A Turkish bath, known for its hot steam hydrotherapy treatment, works wonders on both mental and physical well-being. It serves as an excellent stress-reliever, offering a soothing and deeply relaxing experience for the body and mind. Perfect for alleviating the tensions of a busy day, a Turkish bath effectively banishes stress of all kinds. The sense of rejuvenation and well-being induced by the steam extends beyond just the psyche.
What You Need To Know
What You Need To Know
- Expires 180 days after purchase
- Amount paid never expires
- Appointment required, contact by phone at +1 647 769 0808
- May be repurchased every 30 days
- Unlimited buys
- Not valid with insurance
- Not valid for tax
- Not valid with any other offers
- No cash value. No cash back or credit
Refund Policy
WagJag values fantastic user experiences. We want to be the best part of your day. If you're not happy with your purchase, please let us know why and our customer service team will work with you to make things right.
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