What You Get
What You Get
Show off your memories with multiple photobook and calendar options from Photobook Canada.
Today’s WagJags: Print your memories the modern way with custom photobooks and calendars from Photobook Canada.
- $49.99 for a 40-Page, 11" x 8.5" Medium Landscape Imagewrap Premium Lay-Flat Hardcover Photobook (a $129.99 Value)
- $72.99 for a 40-Page, 14" x 10" Large Landscape Imagewrap Premium Lay-Flat Hardcover Photobook (a $189.99 Value)
- $40.99 for a 60-Page, 11" x 8.5" Medium Landscape Imagewrap Perfect Bind Hardcover Photobook (a $109.99 Value)
- $52.99 for a 60-Page, 14" x 10" Large Landscape Imagewrap Perfect Bind Hardcover Photobook (a $139.99 Value)
- $25.99 for Two 20-Page, 8" x 8" Hardcover Photobooks (a $75.98 Value)
- *Photobook App Redemption Exclusive
- $55.99 for a 100-Page, 11" x 8.5" Medium Landscape Softcover Photobook (a $144.99 Value)
- $38.99 for a 40-Page, 14" x 10" Large Landscape Debossed Perfect Bind Hardcover Photobook (a $104.99 Value)
- $38.99 for a 40-Page, 14" x 10" Large Landscape Deluxe Perfect Bind Hardcover Photobook (a $104.99 Value)
- $23.99 for Two Identical Copies of 11" x 8" Wall Calendars (a $55.98 Value)
What You Need To Know
What You Need To Know
- Expires 90 days from purchase date
- Unlimited buys
- Redeem online
- Not valid with other offers
- Valid only for option purchased
- For product shipping fee, refer to the merchant's delivery fees: https://www.photobookcanada.com/product/shipping-info
- Delivery within Canada only (does not ship to PO box) and self pick up option is not available
- Orders will be shipped within 5 working days after project completion
- No cash value. No cash back
Refund Policy
WagJag values fantastic user experiences. We want to be the best part of your day. If you're not happy with your purchase, please let us know why (we like lots of juicy details) and our customer service team will work with you to make things right.
Review our refund policy here.