What You Get
What You Get
Today's WagJags from Rusted Orange Craftworks Co.:
- $19 for a 12-inch Personalized Metal Circle Monogram with Name (a $60.10 Value)
- $37 for a 15-inch Personalized Metal Circle Monogram with Name (a $92.56 Value)
- Personalize with a family name and initial
- Makes a great wedding or housewarming gift
- Hang it indoors or outside
- Made in the USA
- Made of sanded steel
- Unsealed, sanded steel; please note, items may have sharp edges
- Items will rust when exposed to moisture, if not sealed or painted
- See care instructions for additional information
What You Need To Know
What You Need To Know
Expires 4 months from purchase date
- Unlimited buys
- Amount paid never expires
- Online orders only
- Shipping not included and charged at redemption
- US shipping is $6.99 USD per voucher plus $2.99 USD per additional item listed on voucher. One shipping fee per voucher
- Shipping to Canada is $19.99 USD per voucher; customer is also responsible for any duties, taxes, and additional brokerage required to receive the package
- Most orders ship within 7-10 business days during high season days of redemption at www.rustedorange.com
- Valid only for the option purchased
- No cash value. No cash back
- Retail values may vary based on daily FX rates
Refund Policy
WagJag values fantastic user experiences. We want to be the best part of your day. If you're not happy with your purchase, please let us know why and our customer service team will work with you to make things right.
Review our refund policy here.